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  • Writer's pictureAndrea McGeachin

Why your business should be more ‘zebra’

You might not know that 31 January is International Zebra Day. And why would you? But Zebras have more in common with SMEs than you might think, so to mark the day, we’re encouraging you to don your stripes and be more zebra.

Amack Consultants UK - 'Be More Zebra!'

Why we love a zebra

Here at Amack, we think zebras are pretty special, which is why we adopted the zebra as our emblem. Why? Well, for a start, we like to think we’re something special, too. A group of zebras is known as a dazzle and we try to dazzle our clients at every stage. So the zebra is a daily reminder to us to go the extra mile and be a little bit special. 

Secondly, like zebras, we always look out for our friends in the big, bad world, helping our clients make links with other SMEs and offering them the benefit of our support wherever we can. When faced with danger, such as a predator, zebras will alert others nearby with a loud cry. If a single zebra is being attacked they will form a circle around it for protection, and overnight, zebras will take it in turns to stay awake and watch over the herd. So, who wouldn’t want to be friends with a zebra?

Amack Consultants UK - 'Be More Zebra!'

Why SMEs should be more ‘zebra’

Apart from being pretty, stunningly beautiful and inspirational, there are plenty of reasons to think like a zebra as the owner of a small business.


Here are our top 5 actions to make your business more ‘zebra’ in 2024:-


  • Like SMEs, zebras live in small groups. But they also understand the importance of making solid contacts. They join forces with other small herds to form ‘super herds’. ACTION: NETWORK WITH OTHER SMALL BUSINESSES

  • Zebras even get together with other species to benefit from their different skills, and will graze alongside giraffes, wildebeest and antelope. ACTION: BRING IN SPECIALIST HELP WHEN NEEDED

  • Those stripy lads are quick off the blocks. Baby zebras are able to stand six minutes after birth and forty minutes later, they’re able to run. ACTION: USE TECHNOLOGY FROM DAY ONE TO WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER

  • They celebrate difference. Every zebra’s stripes are as unique as a fingerprint, and zebras learn to recognise each other by those stripes. ACTION: KNOW YOUR USP AND SHOUT ABOUT IT

  • Zebras are communication pros, using their ears and eyes to give signals to others, as well as their voices. Zebras are also great listeners. ACTION: LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY NEED


The Amack blog is packed with our thoughts on making changes for success. You can read them here.

Or maybe it's time to discuss how Amack can help you in 2024. Why not ask for an initial discussion with one of our specialists? Contact us here or why not take the Amack Pitch Challenge?


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